My Practice

I cultivate a supportive place to organize, heal, and experiment together. 

I care about: focusing therapy work as a process (rather than a capitalistic end result), living in and tending to contradictions, sustaining, resting, and resourcing within and beyond therapy; reclaiming and alchemizing unspoken truths, stories, and feelings; and finding the interwoven relationships and connections that our healing creates within our lineages and the collective. 

I value your agency and autonomy in: co-creating our sessions and care plans, and honoring your wisdom and knowledge of yourself and your lived experience. While I strive to hold a compassionate container, my approach is never to “fix” you, but rather be a grounding, resourceful presence along your journey. 

I delve into this work creatively by: weaving expressive art and practices into therapy, inviting humor and play as a pathway for healing, and being open to redefining what this work can look like together. I welcome tools like visualizations, metaphors, games, character / story explorations, and any languages and practices that resonate with you. I draw from traditional therapy modalities, art practices, and my / collective’s lived experience. 

I ground this work politically through: many anti-oppressive, abolitionist, intersectional, and healing and disability justice lens. I recognize the colonial and carceral roots in therapy institutions and pathologization, and I strive to build a community and solidarity-centered relationship with you. So much of our spiritual, emotional, and interpersonal sufferings are caused by violent systems, and I value being co-conspirators in this healing work towards collective survival and liberation. 

    • Internal Family Systems, Narrative therapy, humanistic, relational, somatic informed, integrative approaches

      • I am always learning, borrowing, and adopting many other practices and modalities, and am always open to building and expanding my existing practice.

    • QTBIPOC and neurodivergent communities, artists / creatives, highly sensitive folks, disability and chronic illness, gender identity and queerness, non-normative relationships, family of origin work, complex trauma, self / identity exploration